They Say Money Can’t Buy Happiness...

Tom Stumb
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Now fifteen years deep into this grand adventure we call Truxton Trust Company, I’ve seen over and over again how true this age old saying is. Money…we either don’t seem to have enough, or we struggle to decide what to do with the over abundance of money that we’ve been blessed to have earned and/or have inherited over the course of our lives.

Honestly, isn’t it frustrating how money and happiness seem to avoid each other far too often? Over the past decade and a half, our dedicated staff has routinely been invited by our clients to help them answer questions like:

  1. How much money should we leave to our children/grandchildren?
  2. How much money should we leave to our church and favorite charities?
  3. Should we fund a private foundation instead of giving to a public charity?
  4. How much money should we gift to our children/grandchildren this year/ annually?
  5. How much money should we spend on our next home?
  6. Should we purchase a vacation home?
  7. Should we acquire a second to die life insurance policy and/or long-term care insurance?
  8. How much money will my spouse need if I die __ years before they do?

Etched into my memory from close to fifteen years ago is something one of our earliest prospective clients told me, “I don’t need a wealth manager; I need a family psychologist..!!” Of course, there is certainly an element of psychology that any business must employ in dealing with their clients. But frequently the psychology we employ here is driven by our clients’ struggles to come to terms with the fact that money hasn’t brought them the happiness they expected it to...

Many years ago, one of our founders mused this answer to question #1 above, “Leave them enough money so that they would feel they could do anything, but not so much that they could do nothing.” As much as I personally like the commonsensical sound of that response, the last fifteen years have taught me that it’s not the only good answer, not the right answer for everyone.

The everyday challenge of the work that we do for our clients is to help them find the right answers to their money questions. We enjoy that challenge and I’m very proud of how hard our people work to handle that responsibility well. We’re very grateful for and humbled by how many clients have given us that responsibility. And we embrace the challenge of not only helping our clients find the right answers, but also to help them and each member of their family find and keep happiness in their lives. As much happiness as possible.

Another very wise person once said, “Happy people are grateful for what they do have versus unhappy about what they don’t have.” If money hasn’t brought you happiness or if you are merely seeking better answers to some of your money questions, please let us know. We’d be more than happy to try and help you!

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