How Much Longer...? A Message from our CEO Tom Stumb

Tom Stumb
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

These past several days have challenged the fine people I’m privileged to work for here at Truxton in ways we couldn’t have imagined before any of us ever heard the word Coronavirus. It has been inspiring to witness the efforts that our employees have exerted on behalf of our clients and also toward each other. So many working from home and few of us also here at the office. We are so blessed by the caliber and character of the folks who work here. I am likewise very grateful to so many of you who have taken time out of your day to send emails and/or call to let us know how much you appreciate our work. It hasn’t been easy but our clients make it so worthwhile. Thank you.

Every day we find ourselves sifting through a barrage of information from a range of different sources, the collective of which informs our decisions about how to best serve our clients and protect our shareholders during this epic pandemic. Regularly we get asked and of course are wondering ourselves when might we expect this thing to be over…?! Which at times has left me reminiscing about those times along the interstate on family trips when one of my kids would ask (repeatedly) “Dad; how much longer till we get there?”

As a father of five, there has been a number of times when I have had to field (over and over) that same question. Ironically now within just a few months before becoming empty nesters, my oldest son and his fiancé have moved in with us, after having escaped their hometown of New York City a few weeks ago. My youngest daughter is back home from Texas, finishing her junior year in college online from our dining room. And our youngest son is wondering if he’ll get to physically enroll in his first semester of college this coming August or have to endure a few more months taking classes online at home like his big sister? How much longer Dad? How much longer indeed?!

Frustratingly, the answer to how much longer self distancing and quarantines will be part of our daily life is: I’m not sure. At least on the interstate I knew how many more miles were left to go…

Sadly, it has become increasingly clear that the answer is probably not any time real soon. I’m especially grateful to have parents who taught me to do my best to look on the bright side of any situation. Rationally we all know that this too shall pass and sometime later this year we should be able to regain and reclaim normalcy in our lives. But it seems increasingly likely that it will be a “new normal” vs some easy breezy resumption of life as we knew it before we ever heard the word Coronavirus. In the meantime, while this cloud created by an invisible enemy virus stubbornly hangs overhead, I pray you are able to see and appreciate some silver linings.

Maybe quarantining at home has found you turning the TV off and talking more with your fabulous spouse? Maybe the phone calls and texts with your siblings or children or parents have left your heart feeling a little warmer than they used to? Maybe you have learned how to FaceTime with your grandkids? Maybe you have even learned how to host a virtual cocktail party online? Maybe you have begun finishing off one or more of those projects around the house that have heretofore managed to elude completion? Maybe you found your will and were amazed by how many years ago it’s been since you last updated it? Maybe the outreach of old friends has touched you in ways you weren’t expecting? Best of all, maybe you’ve found time and mustered the courage to reach out to your family and friends and let them know how special they are to you? Silver linings… for as long as this pandemic affects our normal routine, I pray that you’ll find some, that you’ll experience some, that your silver linings will leave you feeling grateful for all the ways that God has blessed you.

This awful Coronavirus cloud will dissipate sometime later this year. In the meantime, please don’t forget that we are here for you. You are part of our silver lining and we are eager to be part of yours.

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